박경진_PARK Kyungjin

박경진_IDOL – 커피한잔드시고하게요, 캔퍼스에 유채, 227.3545.4cm, 2018

Kyungjin Park_IDOL- Have a cup of coffee, Oil on Canvas, 227.3✕545.4cm, 2018


성균관대에서 학사, 석사과정을 공부했다. 개인전으로는 인디프레스 갤러리에서 <Color, Space> (2020), 조선갤러리 <Behind the Color>(2019), 인사아트스페이스 <Site>(2018) 있다. 2016년에 중앙미술대상을 수상했다.

The artist holds both his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Sungkyunkwan University. His solo exhibitions include: <Color, Space> at INDIPRESS Gallery, Seoul (2020); <Behind the Color> at Gallery Chosun, Seoul (2019); and <Site> at Insa Art Space, Seoul (2018). He received the Grand Prize in the 2016 JoongAng Fine Arts Competition.
작가는 뮤직비디오 세트장과 작업실 공간에서의 그리기라는 행위가 연결된, 생업과 작업 사이에 놓여 있는 작가의 실존(생존) 모습을 회화 작업으로 표현한다. 세트장이라는 생업의 현장에서 형상과 배경, 노동과 유희, 일과 작품 사이에 놓인 작가는 요소의 다름을 찾기보다는, 그곳에서 발견한 성질들의 충돌과 접목의 과정을 통해 교집합을 찾는다. 대상의 충실한 재현을 지향하는 세트장의 모습을 전유하며, 세트가 가진 성질을 회화로 접목하는 방법의 연구를 통해감각의 상상력 확장을 꾀하고 있다. 촬영 세트장에서 보았던 색들의 추상적인 중첩, 미완의 거대한 조형물에서 느낄 있는 비현실적인 풍경들에서 비롯된 미적 경험을 활용하여 작업을 진행하고 있다.
<IDOL – 커피 드시고 하게요> 박경진이 작화팀으로 참여하여 방탕소년단 ‘IDOL’ 뮤직비디오가 촬영되기 직전까지의 만들어지면서 변화하는 세트장의 풍경을 그린 작품이다. 세트 공간과 그곳에서 일하고 있는 사람들을 150 3개의 캔버스 위에 유화물감으로 그려내어 전시장 바닥에 설치하는 작업이다. 세트장에서 물질 표면을 페인트로 재현하는 직무와 작업실에서 그림을 그리는 행위는 생업과 작업의 연속성에 있기는 하지만 전혀 다른 차원의 붓질이며, 그림의 이미지를 선별하고 다시 배치하는 과정을 통해 주체적으로 상상하는 이의 입장에서 낯선 풍경으로의 변주를 모색한다.

PARK Kyungjin creates paintings to portray the artist’s existence (survival) between his livelihood and art practice – which are connected by the act of painting. He approaches the place of his day job, a film set, as the space between image and background, labor and play, and work and artwork. Recently, the artist has been experimenting with “space-painting,” which reflects painterly characteristics in various materials and objects, by expanding his two-dimensional painting to a three-dimensional space. In his experimentation, he appropriates a film set’s authentic appearance and explores painting as an endeavor to expand the ‘sensory imagination’. PARK will take the abstract overlaps of the remaining colors from the previous set of a music video production, and visualize “landscapes” that can be found in large unfinished structures. The outcome will be an installation piece, which will transform an amorphous three-dimensional space into a visual form with various painterly colors.

<IDOL-Have a Cup of Coffee> is a work that depicts the changing scenery of the set as Park Kyung-jin participated as a painting team and was made until just before the IDOL music video was filmed. The work contains the differences between the set and the studio, starting with small unknown photographs handed over by the art team and repeated intervention by the artist. The screen composition is reconstructed into a new space on the canvas by cutting, stacking, and connecting at various different points of time, which is based on the gaze and movement of the picture taken while working, and borrowing the variability of the set.

The objects overlap with the fast brush movement, which reveals the movement of the artist’s body, and reveal the vividness and abstractness of the set site by re-cutting, painting, or crushing the constructed form. Daily workers, including those working in the set, can be interpreted as fragmented and instrumental figures as the role of handling a given task by excluding individual specificity. By crushing or erasing the faces of the characters, the reproductive properties of the faces inevitably are erased, and the subjectivity of the viewer is transformed into an object that can be introduced and thought. These characters are hidden behind the colorful set and represent the artist’s present.